Cross your fingers…

So, this is it.  My last day of guaranteed internet access before I get back to Beijing.  I hope to be back very soon!  Cross your fingers for me.  This wee birdie does not want to fly this coup. )

About Birdie in Beijing

Live in Beijing from 2012 til .... who knows? Right now, it suits me just fine.
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4 Responses to Cross your fingers…

  1. Fiona Robb says:

    Hi K,
    Love reading your posts about your encounters, adventures and reflection! You haven’t left too many corners of the globe untouched by your teaching, Hope Beijing continues to be good to you.

    Hey talk about a small world – the wee birdy pic you’ve used here is from my sister-in-law’s blog!!

    Love Fi xx (remember uni days?)

  2. Joanne says:

    Hi Kathryn
    Good to hear you’re still enjoying it over there. Hope all is well.
    Will send you a longer message to the old email address???
    xx Jo

Well whaddaya think of that?